New Patient Portal and Systems Q & A
In June 2024 ENT & Allergy is switching to our new patient care system. This system includes a new Patient Portal, mobile app and other features. Below are some commonly asked questions and answers about switching to the new system.

Question: Will patient forms change and how?
Answer: The information collected on our forms is not changing, however, you will be asked to complete online forms as a part of setting your account up in our new Patient Portal. As with most systems, the look and design of the form may change slightly, however the content and data we collect is the same.
Question: Will check in change and how?
Answer: You will still be required to check-in for every appointment, however the process and method of checking in will change over time as we adopt new technologies available with our new system. We will be implementing the availability of online check-in through a text message that we will send to you as well as an option to electronically check-in through one of our available Kiosk. As always, patients are welcome to continue to use our front desk for any questions and/or complete the check-in process.
Question: Is there an online chart and how does it work?
Answer: Yes, one of the benefits of our new system is that you will have access to an online patient portal as well as a patient APP that you are able to download on your mobile devices.
Question: Can I email my provider?
Answer: Yes, one of the benefits of our new system is the patient portal tool which you are able to download on your mobile devices. This tool will allow you to securely send communications to your care team as well as to our administrative team for appointments.
Question: Can I request prescription refills?
Answer: Yes. You can utilize our new patient portal to request prescription refills.
Question: Can I see lab work online?
Answer: Yes, using your Patient Portal, you can view any testing ordered and reviewed by your care provider. In addition, your visit notes, patient education materials, and appointments can also be viewed on the patient portal.
Question: Will there be online scheduling and for what types of appointments?
Answer: Yes, online scheduling for appointments will be available. Because this is a new technology, our practice will be rolling out online scheduling in phases to ensure that you have the best experience with this new online tool.
Question: Will it be faster to schedule online? What is the benefit?
Answer: Yes, once we have fully implemented online scheduling, the benefits to you will be that you do not have to call the office and be placed on hold. You will be able to select the location, date, and time that works best with your availability.
Question: Will there be any change to the bill pay process?
Answer: Yes, we will continue to collect your copays, co-insurance and deductible whenever you check-in. However, we will be phasing in the ability through the patient self-check-in process where you are able to pay your copays, co-insurance, deductible, and past due balances through the check-in process online or through your patient portal.
Question: Will there be any changes to the check-out process?
Answer: The check-out process will remain the same. Staff will direct you to the appropriate area to check-out or schedule testing/surgery.
Question: Will the in-office experience be affected during this change (charting may take longer, scheduling may have initial delays, etc.).
Answer: Yes, we ask for your patience during this transition. With any new system changes, both you and our staff will be adjusting to the changes and flow through the office. You may be asked to present your insurance card and driver's license again as well as sign documents that may have been previously signed by our old system.
Question: I get requests to leave my provider a review. Will that process change?
Answer: We appreciate you leaving a review for your provider of care and the process of leaving the review will not change.
Question: Will I continue to be able to receive appointment reminders for my scheduled appointments?
Answer: Yes, we will continue to send you reminders through our reminder system, however you now can click on a link to begin the self-check-in process on your mobile device whenever you receive a reminder the day of your appointment.
Thank you for your patience as we adjust to the new systems and work to provide even better care for you.